Thursday, September 25, 2008

Special K declines invitation to top secret pizza party

Since the boss lady is out of town, we are having our traditional lunch hour pizza party. Organizing the party involves asking all 5 or so staff members if they'll be here, and using a telephone to order a pizza to eat. I bravely assume this perilous task, as I place the good of all mankind above my own safety. (Yes, we have been "busted" for this before... you know by now not to ask). Sometimes we have gone so far as to take the pizza boxes -- the evidence -- to another dumpster, well aware that in doing so, we too have succumbed to the craziness of this place.

I invited Special K to join us. She declined, citing something about having an "emergency appointment" (sans card) 2 hours after the party. Well maybe she can't eat pizza today for whatever reason (in fact, I've hardly ever seen her eat at all, nor use the restroom -- see previous post), so I asked her to still join us. I guarantee you she will not. This means she will be quietly sitting at her desk and we will all be in plain view of each other. It is weird. But what isn't at this point.

Wait, I told her about the secret pizza party... does that mean I must kill her?

1 comment:

grayls said...

I was thinking over my own sad lunch of leftovers - what sort of office doesn't allow the occasional pizza lunch?! Although you'd hate to press it - surely clandestine pizza lunches must be better anyway; wouldn't your boss's blood boil to know how much pleasure was added to each bite by the sheer knowledge that you shouldn't be consuming it! ;) (Please tell me you haven't made me any accessory to a crime just by reading this, btw)