Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Some Assorted Emails

Just a few standard email notices and responses (when K had one) found on my MACHINE (note, K always calls her computer her "machine." It sounds weirder than you might think. Like it's this box from the future that might control our minds one day.) She also incessantly uses the [non] word "supposably," and the (often-misused -- yes, it IS possible) phrase "just an FYI." But I'm getting off topic here:

To all Staff:

I want to alert you that Ameritel (the copy machine contractor) has been called to fix the first floor copy machine (the machine located behind A). The service technician is expected to arrive here either later this afternoon or during the early morning hours of tomorrow to look and repair our machine. I just wanted to alert you to the appearance of this individual. Please let me know if you have any concerns. Many thanks.

Special K

Responses to a request for a Fed Ex tracking number for a lost parcel -- yes, K is responsible for documenting Fed Ex:


I do not have a Federal Express receipt for this CD – however, that does not mean that it was not sent by Federal Express. I just do not have a Fed Ex receipt for this CD (sent around July 21). [Our Accountant] might have a record of something being sent to – on her Federal Express receipts. I’ll keep looking a bit longer for some evidence.


Dear S:

I do not have any mailing information on this disk being mailed around July 21. It was placed in the mail just a few minutes ago (and will probably be picked up by the postman tomorrow, Tuesday, August 11) and will leave here tomorrow, on Tuesday.


The inexplicably detailed answer to the question, "K, can I get the number of books mailed today?"

Dear S:

We sent a total of seven (7) catalogues out today – five soft cover copies and two hard cover copies. Two soft-cover copies of the catalogue were sent to L’s attention at The ---- Club – London. Three soft-cover and two hard-cover catalogues were sent to T (using her address in Paris) – to her attention at the --- *full address written out*, FRANCE, address (per X). I have called and informed the hotel (The ---- Club) that the catalogues were in route to them and expected to arrive at the hotel on Tuesday, 9/9/08 (international economy). They will hold the catalogues until L’s arrival. I was going to send an email reminder tomorrow (Thursday) to them. Should I send one now? I have not yet sent an email reminder to T, but I will. By doing that, I should have a response from her (hopefully) sometime tomorrow.


Nearly all the other emails I had from her were her forwarding me an email sent to the general company address "for whatever action I deem appropriate." She is always very uncertain as to whether the emails should indeed be directed to me or not. The content of these emails--plus the fact that they are, in many cases, addressed to me by name-- make it very clear that she has absolutely no clue what it is I do here and/or cannot read. Neither surprises me. The rest of the emails are redundant and overly verbose announcements of meetings on scheduled meeting days, or that we will not be having a meeting on a non-meeting day. These only confuse and bewilder me.

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